Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rain rain go away

It has been raining around here for a while...
here are some pics from the dreary days:

Anybody want to take a guess at what this is?

This little guy is ready for some sunlight.

The big fellow that took the pictures is ready for 
some sunlight hisownself (as my Uncle Bob would say).
Golf is calling.


stephen Hayes said...

I think many of us are waiting eagerly for Spring.

charlotte's menagerie said...

I don't know what the 2nd pic is. But after last summer's drought, I don't think I will ever say rain rain go away. But I do love sunny days. I just dropped by for BPOTW

Kipp said...

CC - what is your spring hobby?

Charlotte - you must be from TX. Least that is where the latest drought was around here. I will agree with you on that one.
Thanks for stopping in. Look around, let me know if you find anything you like... :) Come back soon.

Donna Perugini said...

Is the photo of a plastic tarp with water pooling in it?

We've been getting 'confused' weather here in WA State too. Today was rain, sleet, snow, sun and then rain, sleet, snow and clouds.

Good photos, Kip

Kipp said...

Donna - you got it. It is a black plastic leaf bag. I was using it in order not to get the feet of my tripod wet (so I would bring water into the house). :)